Saturday, May 1, 2010



since mlm semlm, arini n esok.. bowink + lonely..hahahaha

what to do~

humm wa heran larh nape eak wa pnye number phone neh somethg sket.. aishh

ye larh cbe u all pkir ade ke patot if owg call wa owg laki yg angkat?? sungguh pelik..

then pg td farah bgtawu wa yg wa call dy but owg laki yg cakap.. tp ckp psl lorry n whatever ntah,.. ade ke patot.. at the same time farah tgk "chip calling" but sore laki2 yg ckp psl lorry tuh..

then arini wa dpt call free coz my besday??huh?? my besday dah lepas larh okeh..

mmg sgt2 pelik..

mcm mane pon wa kene cek kat centre y ngn my number neh..

my fren nk masok college neh..aishhh

wa xsukeee larhh..

1 day ni mkn, on9, bace study case for asgmnt n tido~

trok nye perangai wahai Hidayatun Atikah

td follow diba n sharil makan..thx kowg..

naseb bek yunk ak neh call, kalo x.. mmg smpai sok ak tido je..

1 jam yg leps, wa bace mag cosmopolitan + al islam.

Gile stylish seyh..lady gaga? biase larh style yg sgt pelik..

jaket, skaft n beg mng.. smart

al islam.. pesaket HIV, mereke terbuang, dibuang or membuang diri?

well, tu sume pndagn dr diri masg2,. sometimes kerajaan pent nk melayan karenah owg mmbuang diri mcm tu.. tp biase larh masyarkt negara kite neh segelintir drpnye ske myalahkan kerajaan,. wa pon xphm nape..politik is politik ok..( pehal lak ak neh)

hukum karma?

yeshh wa pecaye ngn hukum karma.. if kebaekkn drp kite so kite dpt faedahnye..if nope, sorry to say larh coz berbalek ke kite balek..

2hb 5??!!

wahh hepy besday mama! da tue mamaku neh..

may ALLAH bless u mama..

anak2 mu sntiase doakan kesejhteraan mu..

okeh tu jep coretan dr gwa..nite sume~

1 comment:

  1. bosan ke yunk...alalalala....cian die...asl ko xfollow blog mawa ni...
